Sous Fresh

Only the highest quality fruits and vegetables leave Sous Fresh for our customers. This includes strict basic characteristics of our fresh products combined with customer-specific requirements regarding colour, taste, and packaging. Through intensive communication with our partners, growers, and suppliers, and rigorous inspection upon arrival, we consistently deliver the desired quality.

Only the highest quality vegetables and fruits leave Sous Fresh for our customers. This includes strict basic characteristics of our fresh products combined with customer-specific requirements regardig color, taste, and packaging. Through intensive communication with our partners, growers, and suppliers, and rigorous inspection upon arrival, we consistently deliver the desired quality.

Naturally, we meet all requirements for important certifications related to food safety. We establish strict agreements with our suppliers and partners regarding this matter. We also take the increase in food allergies seriously. When necessary, our products provide reliable and comprehensive allergen information, thereby exceeding legal requirements.

Download our certificates here:


Sous Fresh
Venrayseweg 122a
5928 RH Venlo
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)174 479 700
E: info@sousfresh.com

© 2024 Sous Fresh bv