privacy statement

Best Fresh Group takes privacy seriously. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collect and use, for what purpose we do this, and how we ensure that this personal data is well protected.

Privacy Policy
Best Fresh Group processes, manages, and secures personal data as the data controller with the utmost care. We comply with the requirements set by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and national legislation. How we meet these requirements is detailed in our Privacy Regulations.

Personal Data and Purpose of Processing
We only use personal data when necessary because you use or want to use our services, you provide or leave your data at one of our locations or through other common channels such as email, the website, or by phone, you visit one of our websites, you have a business relationship with us, or you apply for a job or are or were employed by us.

Most of the data we collect from you is provided by you. What data this entails depends on the specific service. In certain cases, we can retrieve the data from our database so that you do not have to provide your information repeatedly.

We process your personal data for the following purposes (these may not apply in every situation):

  • Communication. We use your contact details to get in touch with you when necessary and to inform you about our devices.
  • Executing a Contract. If you are our customer or supplier, we process your data for the preparation, establishment, and execution of the agreement.
  • Application Procedure. Both in response to open applications and job vacancies.
  • Legal Requirements. We process your personal data if we are required to do so by laws and regulations.
  • Security. To protect our property and ensure the safety of our staff and visitors, some of our locations and warehouses are equipped with cameras.
  • Website User Experience. To assess whether our websites offer an optimal user experience.
  • Marketing Analysis and Research. We use your contact details to invite you to participate in surveys, questionnaires, and customer panels.
  • Direct Marketing/Advertising.

We process your data because we need it to enter into or execute the agreement, because we have a legal obligation, you have given your consent, or because we have a legitimate interest in doing so.

If you have given us consent to process your personal data for certain purposes, you can withdraw this consent at any time in the same way as you provided it. Privacy Statement 2018 2 Best Fresh

Security and Retention
The organization takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, and other unwanted actions involving personal data.

The collected personal data is not kept longer than necessary.

Third Parties
The principle is that personal data is not shared with third parties. If data is shared, it is done exclusively because it is necessary for the execution of the agreement or to comply with legal obligation. Agreements are made with organizations processing your data on behalf of the organization to ensure your data is securely handled there as well.

Informatin and Rights
You have the right to object to the processing of your data and to access, correct, or delete your data. In certain cases, you can also ask the organization to restrict the processing of your personal data or to transfer your data to yourself or to a third party.

If you wish to exercise (any of) these rights or have questions about how we handle privacy and personal data, you can always contact Best Fresh Group via

If you have a complaint about how we process personal data, please contact us using the contact details provided. If, despite our efforts, we cannot resolve the issue together, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) via (

Changes to Privacy Statement
We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement. Any revised versions will be posted on our website. When a revised version is posted, we will provide clear notice of this with information about the key changes. We also indicate when the statement was last modified.

On behalf of the Management Board of Best Fresh,
Nico Padding, CFO

Effective Date: 24 september 2018
Last Modified: 24 september 2018


Sous Fresh
Venrayseweg 122a
5928 RH Venlo
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)174 479 700

© 2024 Sous Fresh bv